0 reviews 1084 Product: HTML Published: 27 March 2023

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Main advantages:

Use of modern technologies: HTML5, CSS3, Grid Layout, Flexbox, BEM methodology, Gulp 4, scss preprocessor.

Fully valid html and css.

Compliance with modern website development standards: the site is well displayed in all modern browsers (Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).

Fully responsive design (rebuilds to fit all screen sizes).

Also attached is a working php script for sending forms to your mail with detailed instructions for editing it

Visual admin panel with detailed instructions in which you can change the text right on the site - as a gift !!!

When you purchase this template, you get an archive that contains: - Folder admin (visual admin panel for the site)

- Folder css (all site styles)

- Folder favicon (image of the site icon in the address bar of the browser)

- Folder fonts (All site fonts)

- Images folder (All site images)

- js folder (all jQuery site scripts)

- phpmailer folder (php script files for sending forms to yours)

- scss folder (all site scss files)

- .htaccess file (to increase site loading speed)

- File index.html (main file of the site)

- File mail.php (for sending messages from the site to your mail) 

- File instructions for setting up a visual admin panel.txt 

- File Instructions for editing php script.html


Category: Business Law Landing | Style: 3 colors


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