0 reviews 1572 Product: HTML Published: 18 January 2023

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MovieDB - is a modern, flexible, made with latest technologies, React, Bootstrap template. It's come with a creative design, different catalog, the latest modern video player, detail pages and much more. It perfect choice for online movies. Created for online cinema, film review or movie website. It has beautiful front-end pages.

Template features:

1.Modern Home Page

2.Based on Bootstrap 5.x

3.Modern Carousel technology for the gallery

4.Fully responsive

5.All images are Lazy Loaded

6.React Icons

7.Memoization and Optimization all Components

8.Clean Code

9.Modern Video Player

10.Online Movies & Film Review

11.16+ Pages, and Blog Pages

12.Based on Bootstrap 5.x

All technologies:

1.ReactJS with Vite

2.Bootstrap 5.x

3.Redux, Redux Toolkit

4.React Responsive Carousel

5.React Reveal


1.This is a React, Bootstrap template, not a WordPress or any other CMS theme

2.All images in live preview is NOT included in the Downloaded Package

3.There is no admin panel yet




Category: Cinema Media | Style: Flat


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On site 2 year 9 months

Was online 1 year 5 months back

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